
I have added a new page to my blog. You can click on the link here –  Rosie’s Walk

Rosie’s Walk was the title of a delightful picture book about the adventures of a hen called Rosie who,  unknown to her and, by implication the adult readers of the book, escaped the clutches of a hungry fox several times on her walk.  The great joy for the child being read this story was the text was oblivious to the tale told by the images.

rosie walk book

Rosie, my Rosie, had an adventurous life and she loved walks and meeting people and was quite obliviously fearless at times.  During our first visit to Friars Crag she leapt down onto the rocks below the path and was lost to sight for a while as I figure how I was going to scramble down to fetch her, only to see her running up the other side and charming the strangers on a nearby bench.

It is nearly a year since we took our last walk together and this page is dedicated to her memory and for the great times we shared.

2013 170

7 thoughts on “Remembrance”

  1. I have also just caught up with a whole string of Rumblins I didn’t know I’d missed! They’re excellent, and I love the pictures. Good stuff.

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